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Bon Appetea

Type: Product Design

Year: 2017

This portable tea flask is a project with Black and Blum aims to create a portable container for the company. 

The simplicity features and the material of the tea flask provide users a pleasure tea time with better tea quality from others for instance, instant tea bags or ready tea, in the contemporary way of living.

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The body is made with two-layer glass for keeping the temperature and in case it gets too hot to hold.




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Created with polished glass body, matte stainless steel lid, and filter. From the research with public interviews, glass helps to improve the experience and evaluated your afternoon tea break.



Clear polished glass allows users to see the color changing of the brewing tea and decided when the tea is ready. The lid and the filter are made with matte stainless steel.

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Step 1


Put tea leaves in the filter and stack back into the lid.

Step 2


Pour hot boiled water into the cup.

Step 3


Place the lid and the filter on the cup, then turn the cup upside down for brewing.

Step 4


Whilst waiting for the tea brewing, enjoy the visual effect of the tea, it will arise like aroma making the experience more pleasurable. 

Step 5









Turn the cup back and have delightful tea time.



The color theme is based on a distinct type of tea. Black tea has a darker color whereas green tea has a lighter color and it can be a distinguishing feature.

Select your color!

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